Love Letter From God

A Love Letter From God

Being a disciple of Jesus means knowing in the depths of your heart that you’re fully and unconditionally loved and known by God. One way to experience and understand God’s incredible love for you in a personal, intimate way is by writing a love letter from God to you, inspired by the Holy Spirit.


Perhaps you’ve never thought of asking God to help you write a letter professing His love for you. This intimacy may even make you want to run and hide. However, this exercise can be very powerful, so let your heart sit with the idea for just a moment.


What would it be like to receive a love letter from the author of your story, your Father, the one who knit you together in your mother’s womb? The one who knows you inside and out? The one whose voice spoke the earth into existence and gently whispers to you in the darkest of nights?


Romans 8:31-39 tells us that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. His love is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord, God’s only Son whom He gave up for us. 


Start this exercise by receiving and accepting God’s unconditional love for you by praying to Him, thanking Him for Jesus and asking Him to further reveal His love for you.


Then commit to hearing God’s voice as He speaks to you. God’s voice is always positive, and what He says always aligns with His Word and the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control). We can often mistake the voice of the enemy for the voice of Love, so it is important to learn to discern the difference.


Spend a few minutes in prayer asking God - “What do you love about me, Lord?”


Begin writing what you hear, sense, or feel He is saying. It may be a picture, a word, a scripture, a song lyric, or an entire page of sentences. It is important to write down the positive and loving things He says without filtering and arguing.


If God tells you, “I love the way you laugh,” but you hate the way you laugh, write it down anyway! Often the things that God cherishes and celebrates about me are exactly the things I don’t love about myself. He is a redemptive God in that way. He delights in how He made us. We were made on purpose FOR a purpose!


In writing down what God loves about you, initially you may feel like it’s bragging or prideful. Challenge yourself to think about it in a different way. When someone you love deeply (for example, a close friend, brother, sister, etc.) tells you something they’re proud of, something they accomplished or feel good about, do you think it’s bragging? Or do you cheer them on and encourage them in their positive self-esteem?


God feels the same way about us. He desires for us to have a positive self-image because He made us in His image. He delights in delighting in us. His love is a deeper love than anything this world can offer. Approach Him with the boldness of a child of the King. Let Him speak love, encouragement, and tenderness over you.


[Borrowed and adopted from]