Gathering Resources

Thursday September 14, 2023

Scripture Reading

Read 1 Corinthians 8-16

Question to think about (Journal): What Scripture(s) did you experience a Kairos moment? 

Love Letter From God

We want to give you a practice to experience and understand God’s incredible love for you in a personal, intimate way. We want you to write a love letter from God to you, inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

Perhaps you’ve never thought of asking God to help you write a letter professing His love for you. This intimacy may even make you want to run and hide. However, this exercise can be very powerful, so let your heart sit with the idea for just a moment.

 What would it be like to receive a love letter from the author of your story, your Father, the one who knit you together in your mother’s womb? The one who knows you inside and out? The one whose voice spoke the earth into existence and gently whispers to you in the darkest of nights?